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Are your customers unknowingly damaging their major appliances? We rely on these trusty machines to make our lives easier, but sometimes we unintentionally cause harm without even realizing it. In this blog post, we will explore some common ways that homeowners inadvertently damage their appliances and provide helpful tips to avoid these pitfalls. Whether your customers are seasoned homeowners or just starting out, read on to discover the secrets of keeping appliances in top shape for years to come! Let’s dive in and uncover the hidden culprits behind appliance damage – because prevention is always better than costly repairs!
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When it comes to major appliances, the manufacturer’s instructions are like a secret codebook that unlocks their full potential. Yet, many of us toss those manuals aside as soon as we open the box. We think we can figure it out on our own, right? Wrong! Disregarding these instructions is one surefire way to damage the appliance.

The manufacturer’s instructions provide valuable information about proper installation techniques. Each appliance has specific requirements for ventilation and space allowances. Ignoring these guidelines could lead to overheating or inadequate performance.

These instructions often include important maintenance recommendations tailored specifically to the appliance model. Temperature settings, cleaning procedures, and even filter replacement schedules can vary from one brand to another. Failing to follow these guidelines may result in poor performance or even permanent damage.

Remind your customers that the next time they unbox a new appliance, take a moment to read through those seemingly mundane manufacturer’s instructions – they hold the key to prolonging the life of their investment while ensuring optimal performance and safety!


Complex appliances often require specialized knowledge and expertise during installation. Without proper understanding of electrical connections, plumbing systems, or intricate mechanisms, your customers run the risk of incorrectly installing the appliance. This could result in poor performance or even complete failure.

Some manufacturers provide warranties that stipulate professional installation as a requirement for coverage. By going against this recommendation and attempting self-installation, the customer may inadvertently void any warranty protection that would have been available for repairs or replacements.

While it may be tempting to save money by installing a complex appliance alone, the potential risks far outweigh any short-term benefits. It is always best to consult with professionals who possess the necessary experience and expertise to ensure proper installation without compromising safety or functionality.

If your business needs powerful, easy-to-use field service scheduling software to keep up with installation appointments, request a demo with SAWIN. You’ll be able to make sure you have the right techs available for the job at the right time.


Regular maintenance is essential for keeping major appliances in top shape. Yet, many homeowners tend to neglect this crucial aspect of appliance care. By not performing regular maintenance, they are unknowingly damaging their appliances and shortening their lifespan.

One common mistake is failing to clean the condenser coils on your refrigerator. Over time, these coils can become clogged with dust and debris, causing the fridge to work harder and less efficiently. Simply vacuuming or brushing off the coils periodically can prevent this issue.

Another neglected area is the lint trap in dryers. Failing to clean it after each use can lead to reduced airflow and increased drying times. Additionally, accumulated lint poses a fire hazard, making regular cleaning even more important.

Similarly, neglecting routine cleaning of dishwasher filters can result in poor performance and dirty dishes. Take some time every month to remove and rinse these filters thoroughly.

Don’t forget to remind customers about the importance of maintaining HVAC system as well. Regularly changing air filters ensures proper airflow and prevents strain on the system.

By informing your customers about the importance of regular maintenance, it opens the door to setting up future safety check appointments throughout the year. Invest in a field service mobile app with scheduling software, such as SAWIN, so you can quickly and confidently plan for tomorrow and beyond.


When it comes to maintaining our major appliances, there’s one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked – the filters. Whether it’s the air filter in an HVAC system or the lint filter in a dryer, these seemingly small components play a significant role in keeping our appliances running smoothly and efficiently.

So why do so many people ignore their filters? Perhaps it’s because they’re out of sight, out of mind. We get caught up in our busy lives and forget to check on these important parts. But neglecting them can lead to some serious consequences.

Clogged filters not only decrease the performance of your appliances but also put unnecessary strain on them. This can result in higher energy consumption, decreased lifespan, and even potential safety hazards. Yet despite this knowledge, many continue to overlook the importance of regular filter maintenance. Remember that taking care of filters not only prolongs the life of your appliances, but also ensures optimal performance and keeps energy costs down.


One of the most common ways people damage their major appliances is by ignoring mold growth. Whether it’s in the washing machine, refrigerator, or air conditioner, mold can wreak havoc on both the appliance itself and your customer’s health.

Mold thrives in damp environments and our appliances provide the perfect breeding ground. When left unchecked, mold colonies can grow rapidly and release spores into the air. These spores can trigger allergies and respiratory issues.

To prevent mold from taking hold in appliances, it’s crucial to keep them clean and dry. Regularly wipe down surfaces with a mixture of vinegar and water or use specialized cleaning products recommended by manufacturers. Pay special attention to areas prone to moisture buildup like rubber seals on doors or vents.