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It is essential for your HVAC business to generate leads in order to generate revenue. If you can convert a piece of information into a paying customer, that’s money in the bank. With cold leads, it’s difficult to get them to show interest in your business because they are either unaware of your brand or don’t interact with you. In this blog, we show you how to build relationships with your cold leads and get them closer to becoming paying customers.
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Sometimes a lead goes cold because you simply need to try out some new approaches. Try engaging non-responsive leads with different methods regularly to keep your company on their radar. There are times when you can get caught up in the sales funnel. Instead of continually sending emails that go straight to the recipient’s spam folder, you’ll nee to break the cycle. There are many ways to entice leads that simply don’t like to talk business via email. Some examples are:

  • Scheduling a phone call
  • Sending a Zoom invite for a one-on-one demo
  • Reaching out via a social media channel, such as LinkedIn.


Rather than entirely focusing on the future, take advantage of past interactions and data to re-engage leads who are currently ignoring you. By looking at the last interaction that you had with a lead, you’ll be able to gather insight as to why the past engagement attempt didn’t grab their attention. With the newly collected lead insights, you now have a better understanding as to what you can do differently the next time around and what previously discussed subject matter to include going forward.

Additionally, consider taking the time to properly segment your customer and lead databases. When you go back and analyze what has and hasn’t worked, you can find correlations between those segmented groups and the methods that got the best results.


Customers and leads love receiving free gifts, especially when that gift enhances some aspect of their lives. Offering a cold lead something for free could give them the enticement needed to reevaluate their relationship with your company and services.

However, it’s important to avoid giving away services that bring in precious revenue. Make sure to only gift certain services like inspections or quote appointments. By gifting these types of services, you are putting your company at the top of the prospect’s consideration list. Most customers won’t want to go through the same inspection process with someone else.

Another way to heat up your cold leads is by sending valuable gifts via digital media. Try offering:

  • A free case study on the benefits of duct cleanings
  • Free access to a webinar on the impact of regularly changing your air filters
  • Free simple fix-it videos on YouTube that include information about how to reach out to your company for help with more complex situations

These types of digital media freebies show that you care about making their life easier and improving their personal HVAC situation. Focus more on a friendly customer experience and you’ll convert leads into customers in no time.


When designing a marketing campaign, such as email, you might unwittingly skip steps and take shortcuts. Unfortunately, these shortcuts look unprofessional and can cost you. Most HVAC business owners do not have web development or design experience, so many use an external service to create marketing emails.

While this can help you accomplish the task, you must make sure that the final product meets the ever-increasing standards of your leads. Double check the final product on both desktop and mobile devices before sending it out. The email your designer delivers may look great on a desktop, but this same email might look terrible on a cell phone or tablet. Emails improperly formatted for smaller screens can ruin your email’s ability to effectively engage with customers. As a result, your leads won’t take you seriously and will disengage from your outreach efforts.

Also, check that all spelling is correct and verify that all links function properly in every email. These small, yet important, details can make all the difference. Remember, your leads and customers have an abundance of HVAC options out there. Don’t give them a reason to doubt your services and company with unnecessary mistakes.


Surveys give a non-responsive customer a simple, effective way to give you feedback and re-engage. This feedback can also help you weed out mistakes and improve your contact methods. Surveys can be based on service-specific topics, or revolve around questions about your own marketing techniques and how customers prefer to be contacted. When sending out a survey, you are asking your leads to do something for you, so make sure to reward them at the end. A survey with a discount or some other promotional offer shows that you appreciate their feedback and value their time.